
Thursday, February 26, 2009


Well, if you haven't heard...Sean had to go to the emergency room on Tuesday. It wasn't something life threatening and he is ok. He just had a doctors appointment that day to discuss some symptoms he's been having. Throwing up for no apparent reason, feeling cold, teeth hurting. At first we attributed it to not eating enough at dinner, going to sleep on an empty stomach and it upsetting his stomach. Then, it seemed to happen quite a bit from sweet foods...so we thought that might have something to do with it. And finally, thought stress might be the culprit (he's always been easily stressed out).

Well, turns out these symptoms are a possible (but unlikely) link to a brain tumor. Yeah, that's pretty nuts. He has some appointments coming up to test his stomach first (seems they are looking for possible acid reflux disease or whatever). Then, he will be scheduled for a MRI. Due to his age, he'll be sedated and will have to spend the night (German hospitals require parents to stay in the same room as their child so I'll be there with him).

I'm not letting it bother me, maybe I'm just blocking my emotions. I won't let this get to me until I know for sure. Because honestly...when you say brain tumor you think death and I'm not prepared for that.

Prayer is always helpful, keep you posted.


Tom Downey said...

You have my prayers Dennis. Just be still.

dgdd said...

Dennis/ it was calming to hear your thoughts. You have great insight, that comes with the genes.
you and the family are in our thoughts every day.Love,dennis / dad / grandpa.

Unknown said...

Hey man I am sorry to hear this and I really hope that all is well. My family will pray for you.