
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The LONG wait in Kuwait

Ok, so it wasn't THAT long of a wait but it felt like it. To be honest, I don't even remember how long we were in Kuwait as the U.S. military performed feint exercises against the Iraqi border. We were at 2 bases (or more like staging areas) before we staged on the Kuwaiti/Iraqi border.

Three memories that stand out in my mind when we moved bases to be closer to the whole of RCT-2. 1) This was the first time I got "the sickness" where my equilibrium was messed up. Woke up one morning, tried to stand up and fell flat on my face (they told me I was dehydrated but I never get dehydrated and this crap happened to me about the same amount of time in to my next deployment to the middle east). 2) Aaron Zimmerman when he got up, grabbed his gas mask and rifle and ran to the crapper without pants (barely made it, lol!) and 3) General Mattis as he gave a speech to all of us and said something to the effect of how we controlled the airways already (we hadn't even crossed the border yet) and then a couple fighters flew overhead as he was saying it.

Well, it was time...we were going to stage next to the border. I remember quite a few Kuwaiti's giving us salutes and waving as we left. The first night I remember seeing a multitude of Patriot missiles flying overhead to intercept SCUD missiles and I don't know how many times we had to put our gas masks on (I was happy for the practice but smokeless tobacco and gas masks aren't a good combo...). I think by this point we were strictly on MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) and the hot meals were done, hadn't had a shower either since leaving the ship that I can recall. Didn't end up getting a shower for another month or two. That's why baby wipes, beef jerky, gum and the many things you see that are good to send to troops were so huge. Not so much today with their huge PX's (Post Exchange stores) and running water for showers everyday. It's cozy nowadays.

Anyway, I digress, when we finally stopped the feint exercises and went into Iraq it was exciting...it was a little scary, mostly exciting. I think I MEF (Marines) and V Corps (Army) were the first units in and were going directly to Baghdad, we were a little behind them and would hold key points to defend logistical routes.

Life in Iraq is next...

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